Insightsby Oransys

ISA-95: A Standard for Systems Integration in Industry

Efficient integration of industrial automation systems is crucial to improving efficiency, reducing costs and increasing productivity in manufacturing operations. ISA-95 is an international standard developed to facilitate this integration by providing a clear framework for communication between different levels of control and management systems. In this article, we will explore what ISA-95 is, its benefits, and how it can be implemented to optimize industrial operations.

What is ISA-95?

ISA-95, also known as “Enterprise-Control System Integration”, is an international standard established by the International Society of Automation (ISA). It defines a model for the integration between production control systems and enterprise management systems. The main objective of ISA-95 is to create a common interface that allows efficient communication and exchange of information between different systems in an industrial plant.

Automation Levels in ISA-95

ISA-95 divides the automation structure into five distinct levels, each with specific functions:

  1. Level 0: Field equipment
    • It includes sensors, actuators and measuring devices directly involved in the production process.
  2. Level 1: Basic control
    • Control systems, such as PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) and DCS (Distributed Control Systems), which control field equipment.
  3. Level 2: Supervisory control
    • SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) and HMI (Human-Machine Interface) systems that supervise and control production processes.
  4. Level 3: Production management
    • MES systems (Manufacturing Execution Systems) that manage and monitor production operations in real time.
  5. Level 4: Business management
    • ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems that take care of the company's commercial and administrative operations, including finance, human resources and supply chain.

Benefits of ISA-95

  1. Efficient Integration
    • ISA-95 facilitates integration between systems from different vendors, ensuring that all components can communicate effectively and in a coordinated manner.
  2. Improvement in Decision Making
    • With a clear and consistent data structure, companies can access accurate, real-time information, enabling more informed and strategic decision-making.
  3. Cost Reduction
    • Efficient integration between systems reduces redundancy and errors, optimizing production processes and reducing operational costs.
  4. Increased productivity
    • Automation and effective communication between systems increase operational efficiency, resulting in greater productivity and better resource utilization.
  5. Regulatory Compliance
    • ISA-95 helps ensure that all processes and systems comply with industry standards and regulations, facilitating audits and inspections.

ISA-95 implementation

  1. Initial Assessment
    • Perform a thorough assessment of existing systems and identify integration needs and areas for improvement.
  2. Planning and Design
    • Develop a detailed plan for implementing ISA-95, including defining interfaces and choosing compatible technologies.
  3. Gradual Implementation
    • Implement ISA-95 gradually, starting at the lowest levels and working your way up, ensuring each step is completed successfully before moving on to the next.
  4. Training and Support
    • Provide adequate training for operations and maintenance staff, ensuring everyone is familiar with new systems and processes.
  5. Monitoring and Adjustments
    • Continuously monitor the performance of integrated systems and make adjustments as needed to optimize efficiency and effectiveness.

Your industry even more strategic

ISA-95 is an essential standard for systems integration in industry, providing a clear and efficient framework for communication between different levels of automation. Implementing ISA-95 can bring numerous benefits, including greater operational efficiency, cost reduction and improved decision-making.

Oransys is committed to helping companies implement solutions based on ISA-95, optimizing their operations and reaching new levels of productivity. Our Oran+ operates at all levels of ISA-95, ensuring perfect integration and optimization of industrial processes:

  • Level 0 and 1: Management of field equipment and basic control.
  • Level 2: Real-time monitoring and supervision.
  • Level 3: Optimization of production management.
  • Level 4: Integration with ERP for strategic alignment.

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