Insightsby Oransys


Reducing setup time is crucial to increasing efficiency and productivity in manufacturing. Quick setups enable smooth transitions between different products, minimizing downtime and optimizing resource utilization. Below, we present some practical tips to reduce setup time in your production line, with the support of the Oran+ platform from Oransys.

1. Adopt SMED (Single-Minute Exchange of Die)

SMED is a methodology developed by Shigeo Shingo that aims to reduce setup time to less than 10 minutes. The technique is based on the distinction between internal operations (which can only be performed while the machine is stopped) and external operations (which can be performed while the machine is running). Some steps include:

Identification of Internal and External Operations: Carry out a detailed mapping of the setup process to identify which activities can be converted from internal to external.

Convert Internal to External Operations: Perform preparation activities, such as sourcing tools and materials, while the machine is still in operation.

Simplification of Internal Operations: Optimize and standardize the steps that must be carried out when the machine is stopped.

2. Standardize Tools and Procedures

Standardization is essential to reduce variability and errors during setup. Consider the following actions:

Standardized Tools: Use interchangeable tools and equipment for different setups.

Documented Procedures: Create and distribute standardized and detailed setup instructions, ensuring that all operators follow the same steps.

Continuous Training: Invest in regular training for operators, ensuring that everyone is familiar with standardized procedures.

3. Use Automation Technologies

Automation can be a great ally in reducing setup time. Some useful technologies include:

Collaborative Robots: Robots that can work alongside human operators to perform repetitive, precision tasks during setup.

Quick Tool Change Systems: Equipment that allows the quick and automatic change of tools and molds.

Monitoring and Control Software: Use of software, such as the Oran+ Platform, to monitor the setup process in real time and identify opportunities for improvement.

4. Improve Workplace Layout

A well-organized work layout can significantly reduce setup time. Consider:

Organization of Tools and Materials: Keep all tools and materials needed for setup close to the workstation.

5S: Implementation of the 5S methodology (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke) to keep the work environment clean, organized and efficient.

Efficient Workflow: Ensure that the workflow is logical and that operators do not need to travel long distances during setup.

5. Analyze and Continuously Improve

Continuous improvement is essential to maintain reduced setup times. For that:

Data Analysis: Use historical setup data to identify patterns and areas for improvement.

Operator Feedback: Involve operators in the improvement process, requesting feedback and suggestions to optimize setups.

Regular Reviews: Carry out periodic reviews of setup processes to ensure that improvements are maintained and that new opportunities are identified.

Success Stories

União Química Case: União Química implemented a solution integrating IoT, Cloud Computing and Advanced Analytics through the Oran+ platform, which increased production capacity by 20% and reduced costs by 8%. This advance took the company to the top of an innovation ranking in the chemical sector. Find out more about this success story here .

Oransys' Oran+ platform delivers advanced technology solutions that help transform operational efficiency in the manufacturing industry. With automation, traceability and efficiency management tools, companies can improve security, compliance and productivity.

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