Insightsby Oransys
What is SMED and how can it help improve Setup in Manufacturing

What is SMED and how can it help improve Setup in Manufacturing?

Increasing competitiveness in the manufacturing industry requires companies to continually look for ways to improve the efficiency of their processes. One of the most effective techniques for optimizing setup time and, consequently, increasing productivity is SMED. But what exactly is SMED and how can it be implemented in your operation? Let's explore.

What is SMED?

SMED, which stands for Single Minute Exchange of Die , is a methodology developed by Shigeo Shingo, one of the precursors of the Toyota Production System. The main objective of SMED is to drastically reduce the time required to change tools and machine setups, enabling the production of smaller batches and increasing production flexibility.

Why is SMED Important?

In traditional manufacturing, setup times can be long and costly, resulting in downtime that negatively affects productivity and efficiency. By reducing setup time, companies can:

  • Increase flexibility : Produce smaller batches and respond more quickly to market demands.

  • Reduce inventory : Reduce the need for large safety stocks.

  • Improve machine utilization : Maximize machine productive time.

  • Increase overall efficiency : Reduce costs and increase production capacity.

How to Implement SMED?

The implementation of SMED can be divided into four main steps:

  1. Current Setup Analysis : Detailed observation and recording of the current setup process to identify all activities involved.

  2. Separation of Internal and External Activities:

    • Internal Activities : Tasks that can only be performed while the machine is stopped.

    • External Activities : Tasks that can be performed while the machine is operating. The objective is to convert as many internal activities as possible into external ones.

  3. Convert Internal Activities to External : Modify setup procedures so that more tasks can be performed while the machine is in operation. For example, preparing necessary tools and materials before the machine is stopped.

  4. Rationalization of Internal Activities : Simplify and optimize the remaining internal activities so that they are carried out more quickly and efficiently. This may include the use of quick-connect tools, ergonomic improvements, and standardization of procedures.

Benefits of SMED

Implementing SMED brings several tangible benefits to manufacturing operations:

  • Setup Time Reduction : Setup times can be reduced from hours to minutes.

  • Increased Productivity : Less downtime means more time for production.

  • Greater Flexibility : Facilitates the production of a greater variety of products in smaller batches.

  • Cost Reduction : Shorter setup times reduce operational costs and increase efficiency.

  • Quality Improvement : Faster, more efficient processes reduce the chance of errors and defects.

How Oransys Can Help

Oransys offers advanced technological solutions that facilitate the implementation of SMED in your company. With the Oransys+ platform, you can perform detailed analysis of setup data, clearly distinguish between internal and external activities, and optimize setup procedures. Oransys' advanced scanning and flow management tools allow you to prepare necessary tools and materials before the machine is stopped, further optimizing setup time. Additionally, operational efficiency management (OEE) solutions help simplify and optimize remaining internal activities, using cutting-edge technologies to ensure maximum efficiency.

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